Thursday, April 7, 2011

Progress update

A new post in a very long time.

There aren't very mucht changes to the robot as I've been focussing on the GUI. The robot can now turn as shown in the video below and the driven distance sensor is nearly completed.

What took most of the time is thinking about the design that makes it possible to implement all requirements specified in the requirements document. Both documents are presented below.

Specifications document

Technical document

A few weeks ago there was a second presentation in which we had to show the progress made and the problems we've encountered so far.

Workshop 2

The presentation contains a screenshot of the GUI. But you can find the .jar file here too. Currently it only works with Mac OSX. The button between the speed and driven distance simulates data input. Later on this will be replaced with the data received from the robot. The antenna simulates a connection loss.

And the video of the second prototype robot.